The system is described in the following paper(s): Miguel Sanchez-Perez, Grigori Sidorov, Alexander Gelbukh. The Winning Approach to Text Alignment for Text Reuse Detection at PAN 2014. In: L. Cappellato, N. Ferro, M. Halvey, W. Kraaij (eds.). Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2014. CLEF 2014. CLEF2014 Working Notes. Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol. 1180,, 2014, pp. 1004–1011. (This paper can be also mistakenly indexed as “A Winning Approach to Text Alignment for Text Reuse Detection at PAN 2014”.) License: free for non-commercial academic purposes. Any publication that benefited from these data or software must state the origin of the data and software and cite the abovementioned paper(s). We will be grateful to you if you let us know of the use of the data or software and of citing our papers. Any derived work should specify the original source and its authors and contain this license, including the publication references mentioned above. If you modify this corpus or software, correct errors in it, or add annotation/functionality to it, we will be grateful if you send us the new version, to be available from this site. See also individual license files or comments in the specific files, if any.